Entrega de três viaturas com caixa Haller de 18m3 à Ferrovial

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Foi na bonita cidade de Bragança, que a SOMA entregou mais três equipamentos Haller, ao seu cliente Ferrovial.

Estes equipamentos de recolha de resíduos,de 18m3, montados em chassis MAN de 26 Ton, são uma solução mais ecológica e com a qualidade Zoeller.

Modafinil is a long-lasting prescription drug originally developed to treat narcolepsy. Now, students and academics are the latest wave of people to make use of this drug to boost productivity and maintain their competitive edge. The recommended dosage of PROVIGIL for patients with narcolepsy provigil24h.com/narcolepsy-causes-and-treatment/ or OSA is 200 mg taken orally once a day as a single dose in the morning. Modafinil is not addictive. It has a risk of abuse, however – some people use it to stay up for way too long, which will probably make you sick. Even though the risk is low, you might want to get a genetic test before you use any of those drugs, including Modafinil. It is indicated to treat excessive sleepiness and not as treatment for the underlying obstruction. It’s primarily used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but is also used as a treatment for narcolepsy and conditions involving excessive sleepiness.



Travessa do Navega, 326 A


Arada - Ovar



Email: soma@soma.pt

Tlf: +351 256 580 610 (chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Fax: +351 256 580 615 (chamada para a rede móvel nacional)


